
The cities of Gor are numerous and pluralistic. Each has its own history, customs and traditions. Slave Girl The
island of Anango The City of Ar Cardonicus Exchange Islands and Free Ports Exchange Points Jungles of Schendi
region Town of Kassau Ko-ro-ba Laura - small trading city on Laurius river Laurius river - flowing westerly below
the northern forest The Margin of Desolation flanking Ar north to the Vosk Northern Forest Port Kar in the delta
of the Vosk river Sardar Fairs - at the foot of the Sardar Mountains Stones of Turmus - a Merchant Keep near Ar Swamp
Forest of Ar Island of Tabor - Exchange island Island of Teletus Thassa - the Sea Torvaldsland Torvaldsland
- Red Fjord Torvaldsland - Skerry of Vars Torvaldsland - Thorstein's Camp ----- ----- Travel Time on Gor ----- Between
Earth & Counter-Earth, Gor A few weeks on the silver ship I rose slowly to my feet, my fibers alive in the wind,
my hair torn by its blasts, my muscles each aching and rejoicing in their first movements in perhaps weeks, for I had again
entered that silver disk in the White Mountains which was the ship of the Priest-Kings, used for the Voyages of Acquisition,
and, in entering, had fallen unconscious. In that state, as once long before, I had come to this world. Outlaw ----- Between
Ko-ro-ba & Sardar Mountains Many weeks on foot The Sardar Mountains, which I had never seen, lay more than a thousand
pasangs from Ko-ro-ba. Outlaw I would have given much for a tarn in my journey, though I knew no tarn would fly into
the mountains. ...As was wise I avoided cities in my long journey, though I passed several, ... I wondered if I might
be able to secure a tarn in the intriguing city of Tharna. It would shorten the trip to the Sardar Mountains by weeks. Outlaw ----- From
Sardar Fair on foot into Sardar Mountains 4 days hike on foot Some four days into the mountains I heard for the first
time in my journey the sound of a thing other than the wind, the sighing of snow and the groaning of ice; it was the sound
of a living thing; the sound of a mountain larl. Priest Kings ===== From Sardar Mountains to Plains of Turia Months
on foot and by caravan In the past months I had made my way, afoot, overland, across the equator, living by hunting and
occasional service in the caravans of merchants, from the northern to the southern hemisphere of GOR. I had left the vicinity
of the Sardar Range in the month of Se'Var, which in the northern hemi- sphere is a winter month, and had journeyed south
for months; and had now come to what some call the Plains of Turia, others the Land of the Wagon Peoples, in the autumn of
this hemisphere; Nomads ----- Through the Vosk Delta More than 16 days to either Port Kar or Thassa No one
had been found who would guide me into the delta of the Vosk. The bargemen of the Vosk will not take their wide, broad-bottomed
craft into the delta. The channels of the Vosk, to be sure, shift from season to season, and the delta is often little more
than a trackless marsh, literally hundreds of square pasangs of estuarial wilderness. In many places it is too shallow to
float even the great flat-bottomed barges and, more inmportantly, a path for them would have to be cut and chopped, foot by
foot, through the thickets of rush and sedge, and the tangles of marsh vine. The most important reason for not finding a guide,
of course, even among the eastern rence growers, is that the delta is claimed by Port Kar, which lies within it, some hundred
pasangs from its northwestern edge, bordering on the shallow Tamber Gulf, beyond wich is gleaming Thassa, the Sea. ... I
had been in the delta now for some sixteen days, drifting and paddling toward the Thassa. Raiders ----- By caravan
from Ko-ro-ba to Ar Several weeks by caravan We were perhaps a pasang from the caravan. I, by standing on my tip toes
in the grass, on the low hill on which we were gathering berries, could see the squarish tops of the wagons, with their blue
and yellow canvas coverings. We were nine days out of Ko-ro-ba. It would be weeks before we could reach Ar, where we
would be sold. Captive ) "Ute," I said. Ute turned in the strap, from picking berries. "Yes, El-in-or?" she
said. "When will we reach Ar?" I asked. "Oh, not for many days," she said. "We have not yet even come to the Vosk."
Captive ----- From Ko-ro-ba to Laura A few weeks by caravan Shortly before he made me one of his girls, some
two or three days before, he had been attacked by outlaw tarnsmen, some four days journey north by northeast from the city
of Ko-ro-ba, which lies high in the northern temperate latitudes of the planet Gor, which is the name of this world. He was
bound, traveling over the hills and meadowlands east and north of Ko-ro-ba, for the city of Laura, which lies on the banks
of the Laurius river, some two hundred pasangs inland from the coast of the sea, called Thassa. Captive It took many
days to reach Laura. Captive ----- Distance covered by warriors on foot Warriors, trained to march long distances
(See Warrior Training) march 40 pasangs per day How different things seemed from the marches of the forces of Ar, and others
of the high cities. When the men of Ar moved, for example, and whenever possible they would do so on the great military roads,
such as the Viktel Aria, they used a measured pace, often kept by a drum, and including rests, would each day cover a calculable
distance, usually forty pasangs. At forty-pasang intervals there would generally, on the military roads, be a fortified camp,
supplied in advance with ample provisions. Some of these camps became towns. Later some became cities. These roads and camps,
and measures, made it possible to move troops not only efficiently and rapidly, but assisted in military planning. One could
tell, for example, how long it would take to bring a certain number of men to bear on a certain point. Mercenaries ----- By
ship from Port Kar to Schendi Several days even in fair winds The trip south towards Schendi is a long one, consuming
several days, even with fair winds, which we had had. Explorers It appears to be about an eight day trip Four days
are mentioned as passing in this quote The first two days the blond-haired girl could not eat. She had shrunk back in horror
from the gruel of meal and fish, fit provender for slaves, thrust in its pan into her cage. She had looked at me. Compared
to it, the garbage of Port Kar had been haut cuisine. But on the third day she had finished it, thrusting it with her fingers
into her mouth and licking the pan clean. Slaves are often not permitted utensils. Seeing that the pan was clean, Ulafi had
then had his second officer commence her lessons. The next day Sasi, at Ulafi’s request of me, had begun to improve
her Gorean. Explorers And an additional four days mentioned here I looked out, over the rail. There were white clouds
in the sky, and the sky was very blue. We would make Schendi, if the winds held, in four days. Explorers