"On the other hand, I suspect that they fear too broad a dissemination of the Caste knowledge. Physicians, interestingly,
perhaps for a similar reason, tend to keep records in archaic Gorean, which is incomprehensible to most Goreans." (Magicians
of Gor pg. 394)
Position of the Physician Caste in Gorean Society -
(Tarl Cabot speaking with Matthew Cabot) "How is leadership determined in these cities? ..."Rulers are chosen
from any High Caste." (Tarnsman of Gor pg. 42)
"The High Castes in a given city, elect an administrator and council for stated terms." (Tarnsman of Gor pg.
"The High Castes, specifically the Warriors, Builders, Scribes, Initiates, and Physicians." (Tarnsman of Gor
pg. 41)
"The tier nearest the floor, which denoted some preferential status, the white tier, was occupied by the Initiates,
interpreters of the will of Priest Kings. In order, the ascending tiers, blue, yellow, green, and red were occupied by representatives
of the Scribes, Builders, Physicians, and Warriors." (Tarnsman of Gor pg. 62)
Position of the Physician Caste in Gorean Society
(Tarl Cabot speaking with Matthew Cabot) "How is leadership determined in these cities? ..."Rulers are chosen
from any High Caste." (Tarnsman of Gor pg. 42)
"The High Castes in a given city, elect an administrator and council for stated terms." (Tarnsman of Gor pg.
"The High Castes, specifically the Warriors, Builders, Scribes, Initiates, and Physicians." (Tarnsman of Gor
pg. 41)
"The tier nearest the floor, which denoted some preferential status, the white tier, was occupied by the Initiates,
interpreters of the will of Priest Kings. In order, the ascending tiers, blue, yellow, green, and red were occupied by representatives
of the Scribes, Builders, Physicians, and Warriors." (Tarnsman of Gor pg. 62)
How one joins a Caste
"The Caste structure is relatively immobile, but is not frozen, and depends on more than birth. For example, if a
child in his schooling shows that he can raise Caste, as the expression is, he is permitted to do so. But, similarly, if a
child does not show the appitude expected of his Caste, whether it be, say, that of the Physician or Warrior, he is lowered
in Caste." (Tarnsman of Gor pg. 42)
"I knew that the Gorean Caste lines though largely following birth were not inflexible, and that a man who did not
care for his Caste might be allowed by the High Council of his city, an approval usually contingent on his qualifications
for the work of another Caste and the willingness of the members of the new Caste to accept him as a Caste Brother."
(Preist Kings of Gor pg. 71)
Compassion at the core of Caste of Physicians
( Tarl Cabot speaking of Iksander Physician of of Turia ) "He had in the course of his practice in Turia once given
treatment outside the walls to a young Tuchuk warrior, whose name was Kamchak, for this aid given an enemy he had been exiled."
(Marauders of Gor pg. 18)
( Tarl Cabot speaking of Parp the Physician of Treve ) "Perhaps it was because he could not stand pain that he remained
a member of the Caste of Physicians." (Preist Kings of Gor pg. 71)
( Vika speaking of Parp Physician of Treve ) "Perhaps he always wanted to stop suffering even that of animal or slave."
(Preist Kings of Gor pg. 71)
( Kuurus speaking to Flaminius Physicaian of Ar ) "You are Flaminius, he who had long ago loved men and and chosen
to wear the green robes of the Caste of Physicians." (Assasins of Gor pg. 386)
( Tarl Cabot speaking of the Sardar Fairs ) "Further, members of Castes such as Physicians and Builders use the Fairs
for the dissemination of information and techniques among Caste Brothers, as is prescribed in their codes in spite of the
fact that their respective cities may be hostile." (Preist Kings of Gor pg. 9)
State of Medical Technology
( Tarl Cabot speaking of the state of technolgy on Gor ) " Be that as it may, the Priest Kings have limited man severely
on this planet in many respects, notably in weaponry, communication, and transportation. On the other hand, the brilliance
which men might have turned to destructive channels was then diverted, almost of necessity, to other fields, most notably
medicine" (Assassin of Gor pg. 30)
( Matthew Cabot speaking of the level of technology on Gor ) "On the other hand, you will learn that in lighting,
shelter, agricultural techniques, and medicine, for example, the Mortals, or Men Below the Mountains, are relatively advanced."
(Tarnsman of Gor pg. 31)
( Elinor a slave speaks of the Physicians ) "On the first day the Physician, a quiet man in the green garments of
his Caste, examined me, thoroughly. The instruments he used, the tests he performed, the samples he required were not unlike
those of Earth. Furhter, certain pieces of his instrumentation were clearly far from primitive. For example, there was a small
machine with gauges and dials. In this he would place slides, containing drops of blood and urine, flecks of tissue, a strand
of hair. with a stylus he would note readings on the machine, and on a small screen at the top of the machine, I saw, vastly
enlarged, what reminded me of an image witnessed under a microscope." (Captive of Gor pg. 92-93)
( Tarl Cabot and vika a slave speaking of an ointment ) "The ointment will soon be absorbed," she said , "In
a few minutes there will beno trace of it nor of the cuts." "The Physicians of Treve," I said, "have marvelous
medicines" "It is an ointment of Preist Kings," she said." (Priest Kings of Gor pg. 64)
Medical Training
( Tarl Cabot speaking of the freed slave Vika ) "I was pleased that she would go to Ar, where she, though a woman,
might learn the craft of medicine under the masters appointed by Kazrak ( Kazrak was city administrator of Ar ). (Preist Kings
of Gor pg. 306)
( Jason Marshall speaking of Castes in general ) "Though one is commonly born into a Caste one is often not permitted
to practice the caste craft until a suitable apprenticeship has been served." Fighting Slave of Gor pg. 209)
Position of Free Women in the Caste of Physicians
( Jason Marshall speaking of the Caste of Physicians ) "A notable exception to the generalization that woman of a
Caste normally do not engage in Caste work is the Caste of Physicians, whose women are commonly trained, as are the boys,
in the practice of medicine. Even the Physicians however, normally do not admit their women to full practice until they have
borne two childeren." (Fighting Slave of Gor pg. 210)
"The women of the Physicians, at the age of fifteen, in many cities, wear two bracelets on her left wrist. When has
one child one bracelet is removed; when she has a second child the second bracelet is removed. She may then, if she desires,
enter into the full practice of her craft." (Fighting Slave of Gor pg. 210)
Slaves and the Caste of Physicians
"Free Women, and even some Turian slave girls, went to and fro, bringing water and, here and there, where there was
point in it, binding wounds." (Nomads of Gor pg. 263)
( Bosk speaking of slaves ) "In the eyes of Goreans and Gorean Law. The slave is an animal. she has no name, save
what her Master might choose to call her. She is without Caste. She is without citizenship." (Hunters of Gor pg. 148-149)
( Jason Marshal speaking of the different types of slaves ) "I have not mentioned, either , slaves with professional
competences, such as medicine or law." (Fighting Slave of Gor pg. 165)
( Vika a slave works as a healer in the midst of a battle during the Nest War ) "One of the humans by the wall, a
girl knelt by him, holding a cloth, trying to stanch the bleeding. It was vika! ..."Quick Cabot! " "I must
make a tourniquet! " "Vika took the cloth from the wound and ripping it and using a small steel bar from the sheared
wall, quickly fashioned a tourniquet wrapping it securely about the remains of the mans arm. The Physicians daughter did the
work swiftly, expertly." (Priest Kings of Gor pg. 245)
( Sheera a slave tends to Bosk ill with fever from the poison of Tyros) " I had lain in pain and fever in my cabin,
in the small stern castle of the Tesephone. It seemed that sheera had cared for me, and that is the fitful wakings, I had
seen her face, intent above mine, and felt her hand and a warmth, and sponging at side." (Hunters of Gor pg. 249)
Slaves and the use of steel in the service of their Masters
( Vika a slave uses a straight razor to shave Tarl Cabot ) "Beside her on the floor, rested a laver of polished bronze,
filled with water, a towel, and a straight-bladed Gorean shaving knife." "I shivered thinking of the blade and my
throat" (Priest Kings of Gor pg. 34)
( Dina a slave speaks of eta a slave ) "She went and brought pins, tiny scissors, a needle and thread. The alteration
of my slave rag was apparently the first order of the days business." (Slave girl of Gor pg. 78)
Code of the Green Caste
1. To Maintain the health of ones Ubar, and/or House.
2. To Maintain the health of ones Homestone
and its residence first and formost.
3. To keep all things between a patient and physician
private, unless stated otherwise by the patient.
4. To respect the rights of all patients within the boundry
lines of the Physcians Caste Codes and Guidelines.
5. To respect the rights of all other physicians/healers within
the boundry lines of the Physcians Caste Codes and Guidelines.
Pay scale of the Green Caste
"When the Physician had finished the cleansing, chemical sterilization and dressing of the merchants wounds, he left.
With him the majority of the watchers withdrew as well. The Scribe had paid the Physician from a small iron box, taken from
a locked trunk, a tarsk bit." (Beasts of Gor pg. 104)
"Bosk when ill from the poison of Tyros was seen by Iskander of Turia a Physician Bosk then ordered " Thurnock"
I said, "give this Physician a double tarn of gold." (Marauders of Gor pg. 19)
( A physician Tamirus is compensated for certifying a girl white silk ) "There waiting for him, was a goblet of paga,
doubtless a gratuity for the loan of his expertise. Too he would doubtless have his choice of Hendows women this night."
(Dancer of Gor pg. 187)