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The Physician's Caste is one of the five High Castes on Gor, the
fourth highest of those castes. Their Caste color is green so most Physicians wear green tunics. Though it is
not explicit in the books, it seems logical that many medical specializations would form subcastes of the Physician's Caste.
Obstetrics, immunology, pediatrics, and such would make valid subcastes. Certain other specializations would not be
necessary on Gor so would be unlikely to form subcastes. Dentistry, psychiatry and geriatrics are fields where the need
on Gor is low so they are unlikely to form full subcastes. Major cities would have a Cylinder of Physicians as they
do in Ar. Though this is not described in any great detail, it appears it would contain a hospital, research laboratories,
a library and maybe even living quarters for some Physicians. Each city would also have their own High Council of Physicians
to aid in the governance of that caste within the city. Each Physician's Caste, in every different city, is basically
But, Physicians from different cities do find ways to interact with each other.
The Sardar Fairs, the four major fairs held each year on the plains below the Sardar Mountains, are a spectular place for
the Physicians, and other Castes, to meet and share information. Caste conventions may be able to discuss general caste-wide
issues. Research can be shared and compared. New discoveries spread across Gor at these fairs. These fairs
are very important to the Physician's Caste.
The Physician's Caste is one of the Castes where
many women actually engage in Caste work. But, in many cities, women cannot engage in the full practice of medicine
until they have first bore two children. This is not a law in all cities though. Commonly, at age fifteen, a woman
will don two bracelets on her left wrist. One bracelet is removed for each child born. The reason behind this prerequisite
is that it is understood that professional women tend not to reproduce themselves. If this were permitted, it would
serve over time to diminish the quality and size of the Caste. Thus, the rule helps to preserve the future of the Caste.
The welfare of the Caste takes priority over the ambitions of specific individuals. The welfare of a larger number of
individuals is more important than the welfare of a smaller number of individuals. This is an accepted given when dealing
with the vast majority of Goreans. Until the woman bears two children, she will be restricted in her medical duties
though the books do not detail what those specific restrictions might be. It is possible that the distinction might
be what we would consider the difference between being a nurse and being a doctor.
Gorean medicine is not depicted in great detail in the novels. In some ways, it is more primitive than Earth medicine.
Goreans do not possess computers to help them in diagnosis or research. They do possess though many diagnostic machines
that do not use computers. But, in many other ways, Gorean medicine is far more advanced than Earth. Gor has created
potent drugs and serums that Earth only dreams about. And they created them without the aid of computers. Deciding
what is permissible and not in Gorean medicine is not always easy due to the dearth of material in the novels on the subject.
Disease prevention is an area where Gorean medicine far surpasses Earth medicine. Disease
is almost unknown on Gor except for a very few horrible diseases such as Dar-kosis and the Bazi plague. It is probably
only a matter of time before even these diseases are cured.
Dar-kosis is a virulent, wasting
disease and is similar in many ways to leprosy. "Dar-kosis" means "Holy Disease" and it is also known as the "Sacred
Affliction" though its name is rarely mentioned. Those inflicted with the disease are commonly known as Afflicted Ones.
It is highly contagious and the afflicted must wear yellow robes as a mark of their illness. Many victims also periodically
clack a wooden device to warn people to stay away. Because of this, victims have much freedom of movement though if
they approach a city, they risk being stoned. "Those who contract the disease are regarded by law as dead." (Assassin of Gor,
p.266) This has important legal ramifications. A Free Companionship would be ended. Any will would take effect.
The Afflicted lose everything. "The Afflicted are dead. The Afflicted are nameless." (Tarnsman of Gor, p.151)
The Initiate Caste feels that Dar-kosis is an instrument of the Priest-Kings to punish those who displease them. The
afflicted are thus holy to the Priest Kings and it is heresy to shed their blood. Interestingly though, stoning them
is not considered heresy. Initiates have constructed Dar-Kosis pits where the Afflicted may voluntarily imprison themselves.
They will be provided with food and drink by men on tarns, who will drop it into the pits. Once in a Pit, an Afflicted
is not permitted to leave. Because it is considered a holy disease, the Initiates will not permit the Physician's Caste
to research a cure. There is little love lost between the Physicians and Initiates.
A few years before the events of Assassin of Gor, a group of Physicians in Ar tried to seek a cure. Flaminius, first
in his Caste, led the research program. The Physicians had developed a strain of urts resistant to Dar-kosis.
They then created a serum, cultured from the urt blood. When this was injected into other animals, they could not be infected
by the disease. But at that time, someone betrayed them to the Initiates. The Initiates asked them to stop the
research but they refused. The Initiates petitioned Marlenus but he refused to do anything. Soon after, a group
of armed men stormed the Cylinder of Physicians. They damaged the Cylinder, burnt the research floors, killed some of
the Physicians and ruined most of the research. That would stop their research for several years. Flaminius was
burned over half his body and became somewhat of a drunk. After the events of Assassin of Gor, Flaminius chooses to
return to his research for a Dar-Kosis cure.
Bazi plague, also known as the pox, is a deadly,
rapidly-spreading disease with no known cure. Its symptoms include pustules all over the body and a yellowing of the
whites of the eyes. The pox is transmitted by lice. Some people are immune to it and for some it is only a temporary
problem. Others die swiftly. Slaves that get the pox are usually killed. Bazi was struck by a plague some
years ago and its port was closed by the Merchant's Caste for two years. The plague burnt itself out in about eighteen
months. By the events of Explorers of Gor, Bazi has still not recovered from the economic tragedy of this closure.
In Schendi, they still had Physicians checking incoming ships for signs of disease. Gieron and sajel are drugs that
in combination can reproduce the physical effects of this disease without causing any real injury. Gieron is an allergen
that causes a yellowing of the whites of the eyes. Sajel is a simple pustulant.
work on Gor is rarely done or needed. Due to its rarity, dentistry is probably not a subcaste. There would
be insufficient work to support such a specialist. Cavities are rare because of the simple diet of Goreans and their
absence of emotional stress, guilt, and worry. The mouths of slave girls are often checked by a buyer or slaver to see if
she has fillings or not. That is normally a sign that the girl is from Earth due to the rarity of dental work on Gor.
Physicians have machines to examine blood, urine, tissue, hair and other samples. They have a machine like a microscope.
Many of their tests and instruments are similar to what you would find in an Earth doctor's office. They would use energy
bulbs, despite the expense, to have adequate light for their work. Physicians have numerous drugs available that are
often administered through hypodermics. Numerous drugs may also be orally taken. Though some online feel that
Gorean physicians are more like herbalists, they actually use very advanced drugs. Many of those drugs are derived from
plants and herbs but it is rare for those plants and herbs to be applied directly to a patient. And as Earth doctors
use Latin often, Gorean doctors keep their records in archaic Gor.
You must remember that
we are talking about the Physician's Caste that exists in the civilized cities. In some of the more barbaric areas of
Gor, such as the Barrens, the Plains of Turia and the jungles near Schendi, the Caste does not exist. In those areas,
their medicine is much more primitive. They do not possess medical machines or advanced drugs. They rely more
heavily on natural cures, using herbs and plants. Their healers would be more like herbalists.
The Physician's Caste has designed a few drugs that are commonly used by Slavers and others with similar objectives.
Capture scent is similar to chloroform. It is a liquid that is soaked into a rag and held over a person's nose and mouth.
It will render a woman unconscious in about five Ihn. She will only squirm wildly for an Ihn or two and then will get
sluggish until she falls limp. It might take a bit longer against a man. Anesthetic darts, which may be either
flung or used to stab, may also sometimes be used though they take longer to work, about forty Ihn. Tassa powder is
a reddish powder that can render one unconscious. It is tasteless but meant to be mixed with something red wine as it
would be visible in water. Free women are often advised not to drink red wine with strangers because who knows what
might be in it.
Slave wine is a Gorean contraceptive, and much more effective than any Earth
one. In liquid form, women drink it and are protected against conception. It works basically immediately.
It is intentionally bitter when given to slaves though for free women it might be sweetened. The active ingredient in
slave wine is sip root. In its raw form, sip root can be chewed and used as a contraceptive. The raw root is bitter
and this is what comes through in the liquid. In root form, its effects will last for three to four moons. The
Red Savages in the Barrens use sip root in its raw form. It is likely other barbaric cultures do the same. In its concentrated
liquid form, the effects of slave wine now last indefinitely. This was not always the case. In the beginning of
the Gor series, slave wine only lasted a month or so. But by Blood Brothers of Gor, medical technology has advanced
and its effects are now indefinite. Despite this fact, many masters still administer slave wine to their kajirae once or twice
a year. This is done out of tradition and to remind girls of their slavery. The effects of slave wine can be nullified
by a special releaser, an antidote called breeding or second wine. This is a smooth and sweet drink. Its active
ingredient is a derivative of the teslik plant.
There is no evidence in the books to suggest
that slave wine can cause an abortion or miscarriage. There is also no evidence to show that it is harmful to a pregnant
woman. Children are very important to Goreans and abortion would go against much of what they believe. Free women
may sell their children after birth, but they would not abort a child if they were pregnant.
The zenith of Gorean medicine has to be the Stabilization Serums. This Serum is a life extending treatment. It
was developed some five hundred years ago by the Physician's Castes of Koroba and Ar and transmitted to other Physicians at
the Sardar Fairs. Aging was seen as a disease, not an inevitable fate. Centuries of research went into seeking
a cure for aging. Unfortunately, this also meant that research into cures for other diseases was ignored. Many people,
who were suspectible to those diseases, died during that time. As it was only the resistant that survived, this did
tend to strengthen stock. Some diseases died out and others would be later cured once the Stabilization Serums were
The effect of the Serums is an eventual, gradual transformation of certain genetic
structures, resulting in indefinite cell replacement without pattern deterioration. It affects all people differently
and on some rare occasions doesn't work. In some rare people, it wears off after only a few hundred years and sometimes
it even hastens aging. It is also capable of being transmitted to offspring. The initial Serums were crude but
they have been carefully refined over the years. The Priest-Kings possess better Serums but they are for their use only.
Goreans consider it the right of all people, free and slave, barbarian or civilized, to have the Serums. They do not
deny the Serums to anyone. The Serums are given in a series of four shots, one shot a day for four days in a row.
They are injected into the small of the back, over the left hip. On the fifth day, they can take a sample from you to
ensure that the Serums have taken hold. Matthew Cabot is the only known person in the books to benefit from the Serums.
He came to Gor over 600 years ago.
The books briefly mention a number of other drugs and
medicines used on Gor. Laxatives and emetics exist. For a more natural purgative, the leaves of the brak bush
can be chewed. A Physician mixed several different powders, each in their own goblet of water, and gave them to a new
slave from Earth. The reasons for this were not explained though it is possible he was trying to inoculate her from
disease. He also gave her the Serums at this time as well. There is another drug, in liquid form, that is a type
of hypnotic. It relaxes you, inducing an altered state of consciousness. You can then recall details hidden in
your memory and are also responsive to suggestions. A Tuchuk once placed a dark, bluish powder in some amber fluid.
He made a slave drink it and she went to sleep. Slave dip is a drug used much like a flea powder. Many ports require
that all slaves coming off a ship must first be immersed in slave dip to destroy any parasites they might be carrying.
There are even drugs used on animals such as tranquilizers or slow drugs.
The slave goad
was an invention developed jointly by the Physician and Builder Castes. The Physician's Caste contributed their knowledge
of the pain fibers of humans, the networks of nerve endings. The Builder's Caste contributed the principles and techniques
that were first developed for energy bulbs. The slave goad is similar to the tarn goad but is has been modified to use
on humans. It has a switch and a dial. The dial adjusts the intensity from unpleasant to instantly lethal.
When it strikes a person, it emits a shower of yellow sparks. When the dial is at the lethal setting, the tip glows
very hot and is even difficult to look at. Because it is very expensive, it is almost never used except by professional
Slavers and is unknown in many cities.
A common function for Physicians is to tend to wounded
Warriors. Physicians clean, chemically sterilize and dress wounds. For tending to a minor wound, a Physician received
a tarsk bit for his services. This is the only time any fee or payment is mentioned for a Physician. Physician's tape
is mentioned though not described. Stitches and sutures are likely to be common though they are not mentioned in the
books. Though casts are never mentioned in the books, it seems that they would also exist. Casts are easy to make.
Surgery is performed by Physicians though advanced computer monitoring is not available to them. For most purposes,
Physicians on Gor would treat wounds like any doctor from Earth.
There is little cold storage
on Gor. Ice is commonly a luxury, especially in the summer. Ice blocks would be cut from ponds in the winter and
then stored in icehouses under sawdust. Physicians might require cold storage for certain medical supplies. It seems
likely that a place like the Cylinder of Physicians would have a cold storage area. The storage of certain medical supplies
would be important enough to pay the expense to do so. A small Physician's office on the other hand might not have the
financial resources to have his own cold storage area.
Plastic exists on Gor. Though
it is rarely mentioned in the books, it is available. Many Goreans would not use plastic as it is not quite a natural
material. They generally prefer wood, stone and metal. Physicians may be more apt to use plastic though in their
Physicians rarely encounter other problems that are common to Earth. Heart
attacks and cholesterol problems would be very rare. Frequent exercise and low fat diets would help prevent this.
Without the massive technology and pollutants of Earth, most forms of cancer would also be rare. Psychiatrists and psychologists
may not exist on Gor as most people seem quite content with their lot in life. Physician's are sometimes asked certain
pyschological questions though it would not be the norm. For example, free women sometimes ask what they can do about
being frigid. The standard advice given is often to learn slave dance. Goreans freely accept the Caste system
and the institution of slavery. Most Goreans are happy and very well adjusted. Overall, Goreans lead healthier
lives than Earth people.
Some slaves may possess medical skills. In general, these
women will have once been of the Physician's Caste and were later enslaved. It would be unusual for a slave to learn
medical skills after her enslavement. If she did learn any such skills, they would most likely be very basic matters.
Goreans would not waste advanced medical training on a mere slave. If a former Physician had been enslaved, there is
the question of whether she would be permitted to practice medicine or not. Remember that once enslaved they no longer
have a Caste. They no longer belong to the Physician's Caste even though they have the requisite skills. Many
Goreans would not want a slave tending to them. Some might even fear the slave, especially if surgery was needed.
A slave's owner is the one most likely to allow that slave to practice her medical skills.
Here are a couple brief items concerning other medical issues:
Children on Gor appear to
be breast fed and not bottle fed. There was a passage of a veiled and robed woman in Tor who had her baby inside her
cloak and was nursing it.
Menstruation was mentioned within the books. There was a
passage describing a custom concerning Red Savage women. They commonly wore their hair knotted in a bun on the top of
their head. But, during their menstrual period, they would wear their hair loose.
opportunities for Physicians abound if you use some creativity. It seems many online Physicians simply are on call,
rushing to one medical emergency or another. They become part of someone else's story-line and not their own.
As it is someone else's story-line, that person generally calls the shots in what will happen. The Physician simply
abides by the desires of that person. Though that is a necessary part of role-play, being the center of your own story-line
is also very exciting. What other opportunities exist for a Physician?
Research can
be an exciting area. Seeking a cure for Dar-Kosis or Bazi plague can be a challenging story-line. Each would present
its own unique obstacles. With Dar-Kosis, you would have to deal with angry Initiates who would try to stop your research
if they became aware of it. Doing research to refine or better existing medicines is also a possibility. Look
how slave wine was improved over the series. Forensics is another area open to potential. Doing autopsies and forensic
investigations to solve crimes can lead to many role-play opportunities. Was that man poisoned or did he simply die
of an aneurysm?
Medical Encyclopedia
Here Gorean knowledge of diseases, cures, drugs, herbs and plants
can be found. A first aid guide to deal with wounds and burns is included.
A cream to numb the top layer of a smaller wound.
Local analgesic:
a shot of a calming drug or a local application of cream, is used to numb the affected area. Wait for the area to numb, before
stitching and searing away. General analgesic: a patient is put into a sleeping mode to be worked upon with a heavier drug. Don't
use kanda leaves for numbing, see 'kanda'.
An antibiotic salve.
Bazi plague
A deadly,
rapidly- spreading disease with no known cure. Its symptoms include pustules which appear all over the body, and a yellowing
of the whites of the eyes.
It is believed to be transmitted by little mites like insects. Survivors of this transports
immunity to their offspring. Slaves with diagnosis of this are usually exterminated as a method of containing the disease.
Black pepper is used to stop bleeding, but it hurts.
bergament salve
A salve used for itching
and rashes.
bleeding (or blood loss, open injury bleeding)
To lose blood from the blood vessels. This can occur
internally, externally through a natural opening (vagina), or externally through a break in the skin. Direct pressure will
stop most external bleeding.
Bruises usually result from a blow or a fall. They are dark, discolored areas on the skin.
Apply a cool compress to the area as soon as possible to reduce swelling. Do not put ice directly on the skin.
amount of blood is not a good way to judge the severity of an injury. Serious injuries don't always bleed heavily, and some
relatively minor injuries (for example, scalp wounds) bleed profusely.
Puncture wounds, which usually don't bleed very
much, are dangerous because of the risk of infection.
Abdominal wounds can be very serious because of the possibility
of severe internal bleeding which may not be obvious externally, but which may result in shock. If organs have been displaced
by the wound, do not try to reposition them; cover the injury with a dressing, and do not apply more than very gentle pressure
to stop the bleeding.
FIRST AID for E/everyone
First aid is appropriate for external bleeding. If bleeding is
severe, or if shock or internal bleeding is suspected, get emergency help immediately!!
1. Calm and reassure the victim.
The sight of blood can be very frightening. 2. Lay the victim down. This will reduce the chances of fainting by increasing
the blood flow to the brain. 3. Remove any obvious loose debris or dirt from a wound. However, do not remove any objects
impaled in the victim. 4. Put pressure directly on an external wound with a sterile bandage, clean cloth, or even a piece
of clothing. If nothing else is available, use your hand. 5. Direct pressure is usually best for external bleeding, except
for an eye injury, on a wound that contains an embedded object, or on a head injury if there is a possibility of a fractured
skull. 6. If the wound is superficial, wash it with soap and warm water and pat dry. However, don't wash a wound that is
deep or bleeding profusely. When the bleeding has subsided, even if the wound is still oozing, place a clean dressing over
the wound. Bandage the dressing firmly (dressings should be large enough to extend at least 1 inch beyond the edges of the
wound), but not so tightly that the victim's skin beyond the wound becomes pale and cool, which indicates that the circulation
is cut off. 7. Maintain pressure until the bleeding stops. When it does, bind the wound dressing tightly with adhesive
tape. If none is available, use a piece of clean clothing. 8. If bleeding continues and seeps through the material being
held on the wound, do not remove it. Simply place another cloth over the first one. 9. If the bleeding doesn't stop after
15 minutes of direct pressure or if the wound is too extensive to cover effectively, use pressure-point bleeding control.
For example, in the case of a wound on the hand or lower arm, for example, squeeze the main artery in the upper arm against
the bone. Keep your fingers flat; with the other hand, continue to exert pressure on the wound itself. 10. If the bleeding
is severe, get medical help and take steps to prevent shock. Immobilize the injured body part. Lay the victim flat, raise
the feet about 12 inches, and cover the victim with a coat or blanket. However, do not place the victim in this position if
there has been a head, neck, back, or leg injury or if the position makes the victim uncomfortable. Get medical help as soon
as possible. DO NOT (for those with no healing background, or who are in training)
DO NOT apply a tourniquet
to control bleeding, except as a last resort; doing so may cause more harm than good. DO NOT probe a wound or pull out
any embedded object from a wound. This will usually cause more bleeding and harm. DO NOT try to clean a large wound. This
can cause heavier bleeding. DO NOT remove a dressing if it becomes soaked with blood. Instead, add a new one on top. DO
NOT peek at a wound to see if the bleeding is stopping. The less a wound is disturbed, the more likely it is that you'll be
able to control the bleeding. DO NOT try to clean a wound after you get bleeding under control. Get medical help.
A shrub whose leaves have a purgative effect when chewed; traditionally, branches of it are nailed to house doors
during the Waiting Hand to protect its dwellers from bad luck for the New Year.
breeding wine A sweet beverage which
counteracts the effects of slave wine, making a slavegirl fertile; also called second wine. The extract from teslik is the
active ingredient in breeding wine.
burns (or first degree burns, second degree burns, third degree burns)
burns affect the outer layer of the skin, causing pain, redness, and swelling. Second-degree burns affect both the outer
and underlying layer of the skin, causing pain, redness, swelling, and blistering. Third-degree burns extend into deeper
tissues, causing brown or blackened skin that may be numb. Before giving first aid, consider how extensively burned the
victim is and try to determine the depth of the most serious part of the burn. Then treat the entire burn accordingly. Knowing
how the burn occurred is helpful, since different sources cause different types of burns. If in doubt, treat it as a severe
burn. Giving immediate first aid before medical help of a Physician is received may lessen the severity of the burn. If
the burn does not heal normally, get the advice of a Physician.
If the skin is unbroken, run cool water over the area of the burn or soak it in a cool water (not ice water) bath. Keep the
area submerged for at least 5 minutes. However, if the burn occurred in a cold environment, do not apply water. A clean, cold,
wet towel will also help reduce pain. 2. Calm and reassure the victim. Burns can be extremely painful. 3. After flushing
or soaking for several minutes, cover the burn with a sterile bandage (if available) or clean cloth. 4. Protect the burn
from pressure and friction. 5. Over-the-counter pain medications may be used to help relieve the pain; they may also help
reduce inflammation and swelling. 6. Minor burns will usually heal without further treatment. However, if a second-degree
burn covers an area more than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, or if it occurred on the hands, feet, face, groin, buttocks, or a
major joint, then treat the burn as a major burn (see below).
If someone is on fire, either douse him or her with water if it is available, wrap the victim in thick, non-synthetic material
such as a wool or cotton coat, rug, or blanket to smother the flames, or lay the victim flat and roll him or her on the ground.
If your clothes catch fire, STOP, DROP, and ROLL. 2. Do not remove burnt clothing (unless it comes off easily), but do
ensure that the victim is not still in contact with smoldering materials. 3. Make sure the burn victim is breathing; if
breathing has stopped or if the victim's airway is blocked then open the airway and if necessary, begin rescue breathing and
CPR. 4. If breathing is not a problem, cover the area of the burn with a cool, moist sterile bandage (if available) of
clean cloth (do no use a blanket or towel; a sheet will do if the burned area is large. Do not apply any ointments. Avoid
breaking burn blisters. 5. If fingers or toes have been burned, separate them with dry, sterile, non-adhesive dressings. 6.
Elevate the burned area and protect it from pressure and friction. 7. Take steps to prevent shock. Lay the victim flat,
elevate the feet about 12 inches, and cover the victim with a coat or blanket. Do not place the victim in the shock position
if a head, neck, back, or leg injury is suspected or if it makes the victim uncomfortable. 8. Continue to monitor the victim's
vital signs (pulse, rate of breathing, blood pressure) until medical help arrives.
DO NOT (for those with no healing
background, or who are in training)
DO NOT apply ointment, butter, ice, medications, fluffy cotton dressing, adhesive
bandages, cream, oil spray, or any household remedy to a burn. This can interfere with proper healing. DO NOT allow the
burn to become contaminated. Avoid breathing or coughing on the burn. DO NOT disturb blistered or dead skin. DO NOT
give the victim anything by mouth, if there is a severe burn. DO NOT apply cold compresses and do not immerse a severe
burn in cold water. This can cause shock. DO NOT place a pillow under the victim's head if there is an airway burn and
he or she is lying down. This can close the airway.
capture scent
Drug will render a person unconscious when
inhaled or injected (chloroform).
carpet plant
A plant of the rainforest area inland of Schendi, having tendrils
that are sometimes used as a source of drinking water.
caste of Physicians
The Fourth of the High Castes of
Gor. This is the Caste whose members are dealing with the healing arts. Surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health
practitioners are all members of this caste. Universally, Physicians are regarded as non-combatants during time of war. The
color of the Caste of Physicians is Green.
cauterization (or electrocauterization)
In the cauterization process,
tissue is destroyed by electricity, or by heating or freezing. Electrocauterization is performed with a small probe, through
which an electric current is running in order to cauterize (burn or destroy) the tissue. It is frequently used to stop bleeding.
It is a safe procedure and is routinely used in surgery to burn unwanted or harmful tissue. It is also effectively used to
reduce or stop hemorrhaging by 'burning'(sealing off) the bleeding blood vessels. Cauterization is not done with a sword
or dagger or anything large, as it is a very delicate procedure. There is controversy on the use of cauterization (irons).
Often it is better just to simply close the wound.
Chamomile is a flower that is dried and brewed
into a tea for stomach upset and pain.
cleaning of small wounds
Clean a small wound gently with water and soap.
Don't use paga, water and soap are safer and more effective. Paga will work but it is a waste. Let the patient drink the page,
if the wound isn't too serious.
Dar-Kosis (lit. 'holy disease')
An incurable wasting disease, akin to the Earth
disease of leprosy. Disease also known as the 'Sacred Affliction' , so named because it is regarded as being divine to the
Priest- Kings and those who are plagued are considered as spiritual to the Priest-Kings. The disease is highly contagious,
and those who afflicted from it are required to wear yellow robes, constantly sounding a wooden clacking device to alert of
their approach.
See 'cauterization'.
Mix the powder with water and
make patient to drink it.
A sleep inducing injection used during Voyages of Acquisition to knockout
a captured barbarian unconscious.
An allergen which causing jaundice of the eyes white perimeters; in
combination with sajel, it simulates the symptoms of the Bazi plague.
healing salve
An ointment of the Priest
Kings. It heals cuts and brushes in a few minutes.
Hemp is used to increase blood pressure.
on a wound honey promotes the healing.
Injection needles are used on Gor.
A plant
which grows in desert areas. A lethal poison can be extracted from its roots, while chewing the leaves has an addictive narcotic
effect. Don't use kanda leaves to numb a patient. Kanda will numb the patient all right.. and induce hallucinations. See 'analgesics'.
A hemovorous plant that fastens two hollow, fang-like thorns into its victim, through which it sucks blood that
nourishes it. They are primarily dangerous to children, but a grown man who might lose his footing among them would not be
likely to survive.
medical kit
The medical or first aid kit contains rense cloth to clean and
cover wounds, bandages made of silk and softer rense cloth, tieing strips for larger bandages, reels of bosk sinew thread,
a towel; various sized needles for suturing, syringes for analgesics, scissors, scalpels, tweezers and pliers; soap, numbing
salve, numbing drug, healing salve, antiseptic powder, valerian powder, most common antidotes.
are placed on a sprained ankle to help with swelling and pain.
ost bites
The bite of the ost, a tiny snake of
about 12" length, causes an extremely painful death within seconds. Its venom is a neurotoxin, there is no anecdote.
is used to fight off infection and help with nausea.
The use of poison is generally considered not worthy
of men. It is contrary to the Code of Warrior Caste. Poison is thought of as a female weapon.
As on
Earth pregnancy last for 9 months on Gor.
Humans on Gor recover quickly from injuries. Small wounds
will heal within a few hours, medium sized wounds in one or two days and large gaping wounds in 3 to 5 days. In case of medium
sized wounds in the stomach, lower back or legs the V/victim should refrain from furring, in case of large wounds the V/victim
should abstain from both fighting and furring. Bruises will be gone within a day.
Bones will heal in as less as 3 days
and tendons in 2 days.
A drug which causes harmless pustules to erupt on the body; in combination with
gieron, it simulates the symptoms of the Bazi plague.
second wine
See 'breeding wine'.
symptoms of a shock include: Pale, sweaty, or clammy skin; bluish lips and fingernails; weakness and decreasing alertness;
a drop in blood pressure and elevated pulse rate; rapid, shallow respiration.
sip root
A bitter root whose extract
is the active ingredient in slave wine.
slave wine
A black, bitter beverage that acts as a contraceptive. The
extract of sip root is the acting component. The effect of slave wine is instantaneous and lasts for well over a month. It
can be counteracted with another, sweet-tasting beverage, breeding wine.
sleeping powder
Sleeping powder is
added to water to make an amber fluid.
stabilisation serums
A drug which, among other things, retards the aging
process. The stabilization serums were invented by the Priest-Kings. Men were allowed to develop something that approximates
these serums. The stabilisation serums are administered in a series of 4 injections, to both Free and slave.
Dried seeds, in crushed form, are smoked in a pipe to clear the mind and to help with colds.
tassa powder
reddish powder, usually mixed with red wine, which renders the consumer unconscious.
A plant whose extract
is the active ingredient in breeding wine.
A device, as a bandage twisted tight with a stick, to
check bleeding or blood flow.
Do NOT apply a tourniquet to control bleeding, except as a last resort, as a tourniquet
may cause more harm than good. See 'bleeding'.
Tubers are used to make packs to stop external bleeding.
The tubers are dried, crushed, and then mixed with water to form the pack.
vomiting blood (or blood in the vomit, hematemesis)
regurgitation of blood from the stomach.
Vomiting blood results from upper gastrointestinal loss of blood (GI bleeding).
This condition can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from coughing up blood (from the lung) or a nosebleed (bloody post
nasal drainage).
Conditions that cause blood to be vomited can also cause blood in the stool.
No matter what
the cause, seek a Physician for immediate medical care for this problem.
See 'bleeding' and 'recovery'.
Used to fight off infections.
Parts of this tree are used for pain relief, the bark is chewed,
while the leaves and buds are brewed as a tea.
yellow powder
Yellow powder is concentrated brak brush powder.
The powder is used as a laxative, it causes diarrhea.
Used to fight off nausea.
A bottle of green paga that can't be drank but that can be used to steralize and clean a wound there is kanda
leaves and willow bark both for pain *grins at carina* The kalana leave should only be used if the willow bark is not helping salve
both healing and one with ground kanda leaves to numb the wound sizors needles .There is gut thread to sew up wounds one
thin and the ot her thick
tweezers, splints, poweders for pain, likely plaster powder for casts