Gor Information

Castes of Gor
Music & Instruments
Myths and Legends
Time, Money, Measurement
FM2-Scribes, Builders, Physicians
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Phys Info 2
Phys Info 3
Arms and Armor
FM4-Merchants, Slavers
Merchant Law
Economy and Pricing
FM5-Lower Castes
slave names
History (fictional)
Entertainment & Holidays
Misc. Info
This page is a list of the five High Castes and the lower ones, found at this site: http://www.shadowspyre.com/library/gorean_general_knowledge/caste.htm
Gorean society is based upon "caste" systems. Similar to the class system on Earth,  Each profession or occupation seems to have its own structure, and its place in Gorean society. They have their own social gatherings and functions, keeping it elite to the cause. One may raise or lower themselves according to ability and aptitude.
Many of the larger castes of Gor have their own unique colors. The colors are displayed by many of the castes, to show their place in society; the caste in which they belong. Each caste maintains a belief system, and follows the "codes" by which they believe in. Gorean castes are divided into two categories, High castes and Low castes.
Caste of Initiates: (WHITE) First of the High Castes- The supposed representatives of the Priest-Kings in Gorean society. They are responsible for guiding the spiritual life of Goreans through their rituals and prayers to the Priest-Kings. Some are rumored to have the ability to call down the wrath of the Priest Kings, or the dreaded "Flame Death," upon those who commit blasphemous acts or who conspire against the Priest Kings. They are recognized by their white robes, their shaven heads and faces, and their refusal to eat meat or imbibe alcohol. They are also required by their caste codes to be celibate. They tend to be learned and well-read, although they are feared and often distrusted by those of the lower castes.
Caste of Scribes: (BLUE) Second of the High Castes- They are the scholars of Gorean society, the writers and the historians. In their keeping is almost all of the accounting, record-keeping, and writing upon Gor. They tend to be serious and studious, with an attention to detail and a passion for knowledge. Sub-classes of this caste include the caste of Mapmakers (explorers), the caste of Magistrates and the caste of Litigates
Caste of Builders: (YELLOW) Third of the High Castes- This caste includes architects, engineers, draftsmen, stonemasons, and many other professions which concern themselves with the creation of the physical and engineering marvels of Gor. Also among the caste of Builders are the inventors and technicians who develop such works.
Caste of Physicians: (GREEN) Fourth of the High Castes- This is the caste of those who concern themselves with the healing arts. Surgeons, apothecaries, medical researchers and health practitioners are all members of this caste. Universally recognized as non-combatants during time of war.
Caste of Warriors: (RED) Fifth  of the High Castes- This caste includes infantry, tharlarion cavalry, and tarnsmen. They are known to have one of the strictest sets of caste codes in use on Gor. Members of this caste comprise the military branch of Gorean government.
"You will see the black banner of the Caste of Assassins"
Tarnsman of Gor, page 175
"I stayed for four days in the rooms above the shop of Dina of Turia, there I dyed my hair black and exchanged the robes of the merchant for the yellow and brown tunic of the Bakers; to which caste her father and two brothers had belonged."
Nomads of Gor, page 237
 "...its libraries, its records and files; its cubicles for Smiths, Bakers, Cosmeticians, Bleachers, Dyers, Weavers, and Leather Workers..."
Assassin of Gor, page 111
"...its libraries, its records and files; its cubicles for Smiths, Bakers, Cosmeticians, Bleachers, Dyers, Weavers, and Leather Workers..."
Assassin of Gor, page 111
Charcoal Makers:
"His stature and burden proclaimed him a member of the Caste of Carriers of Wood, or Woodsmen, that Gorean caste which, with the caste of Charcoal Makers, provides most of the common fuel for the Gorean cities."
Outlaw of Gor, page 27
Cloth Workers:
"The Carders and Dyers, incidentally, are subcastes separate from the Weavers. All are subcastes of the Rug Makers, which itself, interestingly, perhaps surprisingly, is accounted generally as a subcaste of the Cloth Workers. Rug Makers themselves, however usually regard themselves in their various subcastes, as being independent of the Cloth Workers. A rug maker would not care to be confused with a maker of kaftans, turbans, or djellabas."
Tribesmen of Gor, pages 49-50
"I was the daughter of a Cloth Worker..."
Assassin of Gor, page 317
 "...its libraries, its records and files; its cubicles for Smiths, Bakers, Cosmeticians, Bleachers, Dyers, Weavers, and Leather Workers..."
Assassin of Gor, page 111
Goat Keepers:
"I was pleased to see that the men of other castes....and even castes as low as the Peasants, Saddle-Makers, the Weavers, the Goat-Keepers, the Poets, and the Merchants...."
Priest-Kings of Gor, pages 294-295
Leather Workers:
"It was there that she had been purchased by Barus, of the Leather Workers."
Captive of Gor, page 234
"...its libraries, its records and files; its cubicles for Smiths, Bakers, Cosmeticians, Bleachers, Dyers, Weavers, and Leather Workers..."
Assassin of Gor, page 111
"The magicians of Anango are famed on Gor. If you wish to have someone turned into a turtle or something, those are the fellows to see."
Magicians of Gor, page 259
"Down the stairway slowly, in trailing white silk, bordered with gold, the colors of the Merchants... ...Aphris of Turia, then, was of the caste of merchants."
Nomads of Gor, page 91
"I wore a white robe, woven of the wool of the Hurt, imported from distant Ar, trimmed with golden cloth, from Tor, the colors of the Merchant."
Hunters of Gor, page 7
Metal Workers:
"My opponent was not Andreas, but a squat, powerful man with short-clipped yellow hair, Kron of Tharna, of the Caste of Metal Workers."
Outlaw of Gor, page 113
"A similar decree, in most cities, stands against the enslavement of one who is in the Caste of Musicians."
Beasts of Gor, page 44
"Economically, the base of the Gorean life was the free peasant, which was perhaps the lowest but undoubtedly the most fundamental caste..."
Tarnsman of Gor, page 43
"In most cities it is regarded, incidentally, as a criminal offense to enslave one of the Caste of Players."
Beasts of Gor, page 44
"...he wore the garb of the Player, but his garb was rich and the squares of the finest red and yellow silk..."
Assassin of Gor, page 322
"It could have been worse, I thought. After all, though the Caste of Singers, or Poets, was not a high caste, it had more prestige than, for example, the Caste of Pot-Makers or Saddle-Makers, with which it was sometimes compared."
Outlaw of Gor, page 103
"Hup's rag might once have been of the Caste of Potters."
Assassin of Gor, page 10
"It could have been worse, I thought. After all, though the Caste of Singers, or Poets, was not a high caste, it had more prestige than, for example, the Caste of Pot-Makers or Saddle-Makers, with which it was sometimes compared."
Outlaw of Gor, page 103
"It could have been worse, I thought. After all, though the Caste of Singers, or Poets, was not a high caste, it had more prestige than, for example, the Caste of Pot-Makers or Saddle-Makers, with which it was sometimes compared."
Outlaw of Gor, page 103
"The Rencers are often thought to be a higher caste than the Peasants."
Raiders of Gor, page 94
This is more of a guild, or union, not specifically a caste and are mentioned here as exceptions to the caste system. "These organizations, such as the sail-makers, almost guild-like, not castes, have dues...."
Raiders of Gor, page 134
"I saw that the cover of the thalarion wagon, which had been rolled back, was of blue and yellow silk. It was the camp of a slaver."
Outlaw of Gor, page 185
"The Slavers, incidentally, are of the Merchant caste, though, in virtue of their merchandise and practices, their robes are different."
Assassin of Gor, page 208
"Samos wore the blue and yellow robes of the Slaver."
Hunters of Gor, page 7
"From among the domed tents, wearing a swirling robe of broadly striped blue and yellow silk, with a headband of the same material, there approached a short, fat man, Targo the Slaver..."
Outlaw of Gor, page 191
Sleen Trainers: Their colors are brown and black (may be a sub castes or a specialty)
"He now no longer wore the brown and black common to professional sleen trainers..."
Beasts of Gor, page 78
 "...its libraries, its records and files; its cubicles for Smiths, Bakers, Cosmeticians, Bleachers, Dyers, Weavers, and Leather Workers..."
Assassin of Gor, page 111
Tarn Keepers:
 "...was purchased by a fat, odious fellow, of the Caste of Tarn Keepers."
Tarnsman of Gor, page 132
"There is even, in Port Kar, a recognized Caste of Thieves, the only such I know of on Gor...They are recognized by the Thief's Scar, which they wear as a caste mark, a tiny, three-pronged brand burned into the face, in back of and below the eye, over the right cheekbone."
Raiders of Gor, page 104
"On his right cheek, over the cheekbone was the Thief brand of the Caste of Thieves of Port Kar, who use the small brand to identify their members."
Assassin of Gor, page 96
"...of the Caste of Vintners...wearing a white tunic with a representation in green cloth of leaves about the collar and down the sleeves of the garment..."
Assassin of Gor, page 29
"I was pleased to see that the men of other castes....and even castes as low as the Peasants, Saddle-Makers, the Weavers, the Goat-Keepers, the Poets, and the Merchants...."
Priest-Kings of Gor, pages 294-295
Wood Carriers/Woodsmen:
"His stature and burden proclaimed him a member of the Caste of Carriers of Wood, or Woodsmen, that Gorean caste which, with the caste of Charcoal Makers, provides most of the common fuel for the Gorean cities."
Outlaw of Gor, page 27