Free Companionship
"There is no marriage, as we know it, on Gor, but there is the
institution of the Free Companionship, which is its nearest correspondent." Outlaw of Gor, Page 54
"In every woman," she said, "there is something of the Free Companion and something of the Slave Girl." Priest-Kings of Gor, Page 204
It should first be noted that, as with most facets of Gorean culture, there
are few, if any, hard fast rules which are not shown as having an exception somewhere else. It is dangerous therefore to make
blanket statements as saying something is "Gorean" or "All Goreans act this way" or "To be Gorean you must do this". However,
due to the preponderance of evidence, one may draw conclusions as to generally accepted behavior or generally acknowledged
This research applies to the Gorean concept of Free Companionship as viewed among the general population.
For instance, the city of Port Kar does not recognize the free companionship. The free women of that city are known simply
as the women of their men. [1]
In many western religions, there are only two things that
break the marriage bonds, death or infidelity. On Gor, there are two things that break the free companionship contract, death
or slavery. [2g][4b] The next biggest difference is that while marriage is entered into for life,
the free companionship must be renewed annually. [4a] Another difference being that the Gorean woman
does not change her name as do many women in a marriage. [5a]
In is interesting to note that
while the free companionship must be renewed annually, it is still taken very seriously. [2f] Such
relationships, ever referred to as privileges, [3] are not entered into lightly. While the man,
or the woman for that matter, may have many slaves, there is only one free companion. [2e] The female
free companion is usually regarded highly. She holds a status higher than that of an wife. [5b]
It is said that "There is no freer nor higher nor more beautiful woman than the Gorean Free Companion." [6] In fact, the only female a man may allow to utter his name is his free companion. [7]
into a free companionship can take the form of a proposal and acceptance. The proposal then may come from either the man or
the woman. The free companionship may also be arranged by others.
There are only two proposals actually spoken in the
books. Both were in front of others, during a feast [8][9] and offered by a man.
The first
was Tarl's proposal to Talena when he ask her "If you will have me as my Free Companion." Talena's answer was "I accept you,
Tarl of Ko-ro-ba. "I accept you as my Free Companion." [10]
Proposals are also referenced
as being ask by the woman. [11]
It is not unusual for a master to free one of his slave girls
in order that she may share the full privileges of free companionship. [2d][12][13] In fact, the
other spoken proposal is when Thurnus, of Tabuk’s Ford, says to his recently freed slave, Sandal Thong, "I ask this
free woman, for whom I muchly care, to accept me in free companionship." Her answer, quite different than Talena's, was "Then,
noble Thurnus, I do refuse. I will not be your companion." [14]
Before delving deeper into
the intricacies of Sandal Thong's refusal, it should be noted that there are also arranged companionships. A woman, bought
from her parents for tarns or gold, is still regarded as a free companion, even though she may not have been consulted in
the transaction. [2b] Women are shown as being pledged, [15] promised,
[16] or intended [17] to be free companions. Even if for political reasons,
[18] these unions would be, by law, just as binding as a companionship based first on love. More
commendably though, the free woman would, of her own free will, agree to be such a companion. [2c]
is never a mention of 'wedding' rings being exchanged. It seems evident that, instead of being proclaimed 'husband and wife'
by someone of religion, the point at which the companionship becomes valid [19] is an interlocking of arms and
drinking the 'wine of free companionship'. [20][21][22]
At one point a single reference is
made to the "rude bridal customs of Gor". It seems the new 'bride' playfully struggles and pretends to resist her new companion.
What clothing the woman wears to the ceremony is mentioned once where it is said that
she may wear as many as eight veils. These veils are then ritualistically removed from her during various phases of the ceremony.
In some cities the woman has all of her veils removed in order that those in attendance may then express their pleasure and
joy in her beauty. There is also a reference to the "swirling love silks of the free companion". [24][25] A garland or crown woven of talenders is often worn by the woman. [26][27]
The free
companionship is shown mostly in two different lights. The first being a true, deep and binding love. For instance, Tarl sought
Talena for years after the destruction of Ko-Ro-Ba and his return to Gor. Another being, as mentioned above, the love of Sandal
Thong and Thurnus.
Sandal Thong knew that the love she had for Thurnus was a deep, rich and hopeless slave's love for
her master. [28] She obviously knew what a free companionship could become. [29] She knew the confinements of the free companion. Even when there is love between the two, the life of a female free
companion is not easy. Imagine a 'wife' unable to speak to anyone but her mate, [30] or not being
allowed to leave the house with permission. [31]
While the female is usually allowed the
privilege of sleeping with her companion, [32] she knows that at the foot of the bed there is a
slave ring. [33] She knows that should she deserve it, she might spend a night there, stripped and
chained with no blanket or mat. [34]
The female must learn the preparation and serving of
exotic dishes, the arts of walking, and standing and being beautiful, the care of a man’s equipment, the love dances
of their city, and so on. [35] She certainly would never have her ears pierced. [36] In fact, some Goreans think of the free companionship as being a form of contract slavery. [37]
Later on in the books, the institution of free companionship is shown in a decidedly more negative light. Female
free companions are shown to be frigid and cold, [38] prideful of her lofty status, [39] foolish, [40] one whose own mate has lost interest her, [41] to
the point where she turns his life into a torture. [42]
Following is an example which seems
typical of most free companionships:
There was a wagon to the left of the
bridge. Its canvas cover was drawn down. The rain poured from it. Under the wagon there was a small, huddled figure, a tarpaulin
clutched about its head and shoulders. Within the wagon, then, I supposed, there might be a fellow and his free companion.
Doubtless, unless it had been displeasing in some way, the location of the small figure beneath the wagon, huddling there
in misery and cold, was a consequence of the presence of the free companion within it. I did not doubt but what the small
figure was far more beautiful and attractive than the free companion. That was suggested by what must be its status. Free
women hate such individuals and lose few opportunities to make them suffer. I wondered if the fellow in the wagon had acquired
the individual under it merely for his interest and pleasure, or perhaps, too, as a way of encouraging his companion to take
her own relationship with him more seriously. Perhaps, if his plan worked, in such a case, he might then be kind enough to
discard the individual beneath the wagon, ridding himself of it, its work accomplished, in some market or other.
canvas covering of the wagon had been drawn back, probably to air the contents from the dampness of the storm. No one seemed
to be within the wagon, or about it, other than the pair at the side of it. I had little doubt, accordingly, that the blond
woman kneeling before the fellow with the whip was his free companion, or former free companion. The girl who had been beneath
the wagon last night, and whom Ephialtes had, hopefully, purchased for me this morning, had been formerly purchased, and primarily
purchased, I had suspected, in an attempt, and perhaps a somewhat foolish, and somewhat misdirected attempt, I thought, by
the fellow to encourage his companion to take her relationship with him more seriously. She had apparently done so, at least
to the extent of treating the slave with great cruelty. But now the slave was gone, and there was a chain on her neck. He
had apparently now gone to the heart of the matter. If she were still his free companion, it seemed she would now be kept
in the modality of bondage, but perhaps she was now only his former free companion, and had been reduced to actual bondage,
now being subject to purchase by anyone. I recalled how she had bent in terror to kiss his feet. There was no doubt that she
would now take her relationship to him seriously.
It is difficult not to do so when one is owned, and subject to the
whip. The woman would now discover that her companion, or former companion, a fellow perhaps hitherto taken somewhat too lightly,
one perhaps hitherto accorded insufficient attention and respect, one perhaps hitherto neglected and ignored, even despised
and scorned, was indeed a man, and one who now would see to it that she served him well, one who would now own and command
her, one who would summon forth the woman in her, and claim from her, and receive from her, the total entitlements of the
master. Renegades of Gor, Pages 26, 143 – 144
Perhaps then it really is that the female free companion seeks
a strong hand. That there is, in every woman both the free companion and the slave girl. [43]
Goreans claim that in each woman there is a free companion, proud and beautiful, worthy and noble, and in each, too, a slave
girl. The companion seeks for her companion; the slave girl for her master. - Hunters of Gor, Page 102
The Negotiations After the date is set for the Free Companion Ceremony the Free Man contacts the Free Woman's
family and makes an offer of Companion Price to the Free Woman's representative/ protector i.e. (the Room Owner of the Room
she is pledged too or a Magistrate or Administrator of GoreanChat). Once both parties agree upon an amount the Free Man must
make payment to the representative before any other step is taken. A contract is also discussed with each party understanding
and agreeing to the terms before the Free Companionship Ceremony is held. The Companion or Bride Price The
Companion price or bride price is directly related to the caste or high station of herself and/or family. For a Free Woman
of the Southern region belonging to a high caste her companion price could be high. As much as 100 double weight gold tarn
disks, various small chests of jewels, a racing tarn, crates of fine kalanas and other wines, boxes of spices, casks of paga,
fine rugs, bolts of cloths, and other valuable and rare items. The Companion price for a Free Woman of a lower caste might
be a single silver tarn disc or items such as foods, drinks, furs, cloths and other things that are necessary for daily life
of a working lower caste. A Northern Free Woman?s bride price will reflect the wealth and prestige of her Family?s
home. The Companion price would consist of items favored in the land of Torvaldsland. Casks of mead, fine weapons such as
swords, axes and hammers, furs, and rare blackwine beans and other foods scare in the Northern Regions would be paid along
with the coinage and jewels. The price might also include a serpent ship for the Free Woman belonging to the Lodge(Room) of
a powerful and wealthy Jarl. Dowry In some Regions of Gor such as the Northern Regions or among the
Yellow Savages the Free Woman?s family gives a Dowry at the time of Free Companionship. The Dowry in most cases matches the
amount of the bride price paid by the Free Man. This Dowry though belonging to the Free Woman is not controlled by her. The
Dowry is held by her Free Companion to be awarded to any children born during the relationship. If for any reason the Free
Companionship ends with no children born ( i.e. death, enslavement of either party) the Dowry is returned to the Free Woman?s
family or representative. This arrangement is carefully spelled out in the Free Companion Contract. The Free Companion
Contract A contract is then drawn up between the Free Man and the Free Woman?s family or representative. This
contract will state what the Companionship Price is, any clauses necessary to govern the relationship, events that would legally
govern a dissolution of contract, and what property belongs to whom in case of a dissolution of the Free Companionship. The
document spells out in detail what happens to any property belonging to either party should either be enslaved or killed.
One note: a Free Woman can NOT enslave her Free Companion, she however can be enslaved by her Companion resulting from
either her actions or by her own submission. If the Free Woman is a Room Owner within GoreanChat the contract will state
who the Room would go to if she indeed ended up in the collar of her Free Companion. The contract as found in the books last
for a period of one year from the date of the Free Companion Ceremony. It MUST be renewed and/or and new contract discussed
and agreed upon for the Free Companionship to be recognized. Terms and Conditions Posted on the Boards When
the parties meet all terms the date for the Free Companionship will be placed on the GoreanChat Double Book of Knowledge.
The contract terms, bride price and dowry should be posted prior to the ceremony. Some Goreans think if the Free
Companionship as being a form of contract slavery; this is not, of course, precisely correct; on the other hand, if more women
took that definition seriously, I have little doubt but what free companionships would be far more rewarding than they now
are, for many couples. They might then, under that interpretation, and held contractually enforceable on the woman, be that
next best thing in her actual slavery. There is no full and adequate substitute, of course, given the dominance/submission
ratios and the order of nature, for the uncompromised, and full and total bondage of the female. Once this is institutionalized
and legalized, as it is on Gor, we have, then, the union of nature and civilization, a union in which civilization no longer
functions as a counter biological antithesis to nature but rather, perhaps, as an extension and flowering of nature herself,
a union in which natural relationships are fulfilled and furthered. Blood Brothers of Gor, pages 246 - 247 ...
after a year of the companionship had gone, and it had not been renewed. At that point in Gorean Law, the Companionship had
been dissolved. The companionship had not been renewed by the twentieth hour, Gorean Midnight, of its anniversary. Marauders
of Gor page 11
The Free Companionship Ceremony and it's Customs. The Ceremony and Customs
As stated earlier in Room
within GoreanChat will have Its own customs and protocols regarding the Ceremony of Free Companionship. The Rooms located
in the Southern Regions will have Free Woman heavily veiled that are ritualistically removed during the phases of the ceremony.
The final veils being removed by the Free Man joining with her in companionship. The Rooms or Lodges located in Torvaldsland
will follow more closely the Viking or Norse ways. The Gods are included in the ceremony as well as fire and food offerings.
The Northern Free Woman will not be veiled; she will wear a crown of talenders and be dressed in a kirtle of fine fabrics
and design. The Camp of the Wagon people will have the Free Woman dressed in leather and the bosk will play a significant
role in the ceremony. The highly revered bosk will be included in the bride price, dowry and in the offerings during the Ceremony.
There are some rituals which will be found in all of Gor, and thus in each Room within GoreanChat as two Free People
join in Companionship. There will be a contract, the couple will share a goblet of kalana after the vows are spoken, and a
celebrational feast will follow the Free Companionship Ceremony.
A Gorean free woman does not change her name in
the ceremony of the Free Companionship. She remains who she was. In such a ceremony two free individuals have elected to become
companions. The Earth woman, as a consequence of certain mating ceremonials, may change her last name. The first and other
names, however, tend to remain constant. From the Gorean point of view the wife of Earth occupies a status which is higher
than that of the slave but lower than that of the Free Companion. Explorers of Gor, page 365
In certain
cities, in connection with the free companionship, the betrothed or pledged beauty may wear eight veils, several of which
are ritualistically removed during various phases of the ceremony of companionship; the final veils, and robes, of course,
are removed in private by the male who, following their removal, arms interlocked with the girl, drinks with her the wine
of the companionship, after which he completes the ceremony. This sort, of thing, however, varies considerably from city
to city. In some cities the girl is unveiled, though not disrobed, of course, during the public ceremony. The friends of the
male may then express their pleasure and joy in her beauty, and their celebration of the good fortunes of their friend. The
veil, it might be noted, is not legally imperative for a free woman; it is rather a matter of modesty and custom. Slave
Girl of Gor, page 107
In the distance, perhaps some forty pasangs away, I saw a set of ridges, lofty and steep,
rearing out of a broad, yellow meadow of talenders, a delicate, yellow-petaled flower, often woven into garlands by Gorean
maidens. In their own quarters, unveiled Gorean women, with their family or lovers, might fix talenders in their hair. A crown
of talender was often worn by the girl at the feast celebrating her Free Companionship. Outlaw of Gor, pages 131-132
The talender is a flower which, in the Gorean mind, is associated with beauty and passion. Free Companions, on
the Feast of their Free Companionship, commonly wear a garland of talenders. Raiders of Gor, page 216- 217
with me the cup of the Free Companionship, said Relius, rather sternly. Yes, Master, said Virginia, yes! Relius, said
he. I love you! she cried. I love you, Relius! Bring the wine of Free Companionship! decreed Marlenus. The wine
was brought and Relius and Virginia, lost in one another?s eyes, arms interlocked, drank together. He carried her from
the court of the Ubar, she lying against him, weeping with happiness. Assassin of Gor, page 402
... free
women of Torvaldsland commonly carry a knife; at her belt too, hung her scissors, and a ring of many keys, indicating that
her hall contained many chests or doors; her hair was worn high, wrapped about a comb, matching the broaches, of the horn
of kailiauk; the fact that her hair was worn dressed indicated that she stood in companionship; the number of her keys, together
with the scissors, indicated that she was mistress of a great house. She had gray eyes; her hair was dark; her face was cold
and harsh." Marauders of Gor, page 156
When I returned to Ko-ro-ba with Talena, a great feast was held
and we celebrated our Free Companionship. A holiday was declared, and the city was ablaze with light and song. Shimmering
strings of bells pealed in the wind, and festive lanterns of a thousand colors swung from the innumerable flower-strewn bridges.
There was shouting, and laughter, and the glorious colors of the castes of Gor mingled equally in the cylinders.
for the night was even the distinction of master and slave, and many a wretch in bondage would see the dawn as a free man.
To my delight, even Torm , of the Caste of Scribes, appeared at the tables, I was honored that the little scribe had separated
himself from his beloved scrolls long enough to share my happiness, only that of a warrior. He was wearing a new robe and
sandals, perhaps for the first time in my years. He clasped my hands, and, to my wonder, the little scribe was crying. And
then in his joy, he turned to Talena and in gracious salute lifted the symbolic cup of Ka-la-na wine to her beauty.
and I swore to honor that day as long as either of us lived. I have tried to keep that promise, and I know that she has done
so as well. That night, that glorious night, was a night of flowers, torches, and Ka-la-na wine, and late, after sweet hours
of love, we fell asleep in each other's arms. Tarnsman of Gor, page 216 - 217
The Free Companionship Contract Renewal and/or Termination. Contract Renewal
A Free Companionship
must be renewed a year from the day of the original contract and Ceremony for it to be recognized and continue to be binding.
If it is not the Companionship is null and void.
"It is long since you have been the Free Companion of Talena,
daughter of Marlenus," said Samos. "The Companionship, not renewed annually, is at an end. And you were once enslaved." I
looked at the board, angrily. It was true that the Companionship, not renewed, had been dissolved in the eyes of Gorean law.
It was further true that, had it not been so, the Companionship would have been terminated abruptly when one or the other
of the pledged companions fell slave. I recalled, angrily, with a burning shame, the delta of the Vosk, when I, though of
the warriors, once, on my knees, begged the ignominy of slavery to the freedom of honorable death. Yes, I, Bosk of Port Kar,
had once been slave. Hunters of Gor, page 9
The companionship is gone," said Telima. "More than a year
has passed," she pointed out, "and you have not, together, repledged it." "That is true," I admitted. By Gorean law the companionship,
to be binding, must, together, be annually renewed, pledged afresh with the wines of love. "And," said Telima, "both of you
were once enslaved, and that, in itself, dissolves the companionship. Slaves cannot stand in companionship." Captive
of Gor, page 367
I looked at the board, angrily. It was true that the Companionship, not renewed, had been dissolved
in the eyes of Gorean law. It was further true that, had it not been so, the Companionship would have been terminated abruptly
when one or the other of the pledged companions fell slave. Hunters of Gor, page 9
Terminating a Free Companionship
Free Companionship maybe terminated in the following ways, death of either party, enslavement of either party. One
note: a Free Woman CANNOT enslave her Free Companion, she however can be enslaved by her Companion resulting from either her
actions or by her own submission. In RARE cases there maybe circumstances that become such that one or both of the
parties seeks to dissolve the Companionship. For a Free Companion to be dissolved in this manner, either of the parties
must contact the Administrator or Magistrate of GoreanChat and after careful and through consideration of all the facts a
decision will be made as to whether the termination will be granted. There is a price to pay for such a termination it would
be wise to read the following quote closely. Remember Free Companionship is not something to enter into lightly, you are vowing
and pledging yourself to another person for a period of one year. Which either online or off can be a long long time.
next to appear before Bila Huruma were two members of the nobility, a man and his companion. He complained of her that she
had been unwilling to please him. By one word and a stroke of his hand between them Bila Huruma dissolved their companionship.
He then ordered that the man be put in the dress of a woman and beaten from the court with sticks. This was done. He then
ordered that the woman be stripped and a vine leash be put on her neck. She was then sentenced to a barrack of Askaris for
a year, that she might learn how to please men." Explorers of Gor, page 231
The Behavior of a Free Companion. In a Mans Own Hut, said he, he must be Master; even though he has selected
out for himself a companion. It is the part of his companion to befriend and aid him, not to insult and drive him." Slave
girl of Gor, page 241
Goreans believe that in every woman there is both slave and free. While the Free Woman in Companionship
is highly regarded and treated with the respect of her station she is still subject to the nature of her Free Companion. The
Southern Region Free Woman often times runs the house and even businesses of her own and her Free Companion. She owns slaves
both female and male and enjoys a life of privilege and rank according to the caste and/or social status of both herself and
her Free Companion. In the Northern Regions of Gor such as Torvaldsland, the Jarl?s Woman as a Free Companion is known,
sees to the running of the Lodge while the Jarls are at sea. She sees to the fields, the harvests, oversees workings of both
bond-maids and thralls. It is ALWAYS to be remembered no matter what in Region of Gor a Free Woman resides the
Man on Gor is dominant, the woman submissive. Whether she is a treasured partner to join beside Him in companionship, bear
his children and act as His helper and confident, if she steps from the role of Free Woman, He will quickly subject her to
the world of a slave. A Free Man will own slaves and his Free Companion must accept this fact. She is to remember her
role at all times, if this means turning a blind eye to the pleasures her Companion enjoys with slaves so be it. A Gorean
Male will not tolerate jealous behavior and harping by a woman whether she is Free or His Companion. A Free Companion
who is not found to be pleasing may find herself chained to the foot of her Companion?s sleeping couch nude with no blanket,
furs or mat. The only difference separating her from His slaves is she will not wake up in slavery unless her continued behavior
places her there. It does not usually take but one night spent on the floor in chains for the Free Woman to change her ways.
For it is known, only the Free Companion is allowed to share the couch of a Free Man, it is not a place for the slave.
The following quote is well worth reading and remembering.
If she has not pleased her master of late, she
may be, of course, as a disciplinary measure, simply chained nude to the slave ring at in the bottom of the couch, sans both
blanket and mat. The stones of the floor are hard and the Gorean nights are cold and it is a rare girl who, when unchained
in the morning, does not seek more dutifully to serve her master. This harsh treatment, incidentally, when she is thought
to deserve it, may even be inflicted on a Free Companion, in spite of the fact that she is free and usually much loved. According
to the Gorean way of looking at things a taste of the slave ring is thought to be occasionally beneficial to all women, even
the exalted Free Companions. Thus when she has been irritable or otherwise troublesome even a Free Companion may find
herself at the foot of the couch looking forward to a pleasant night on the stones, stripped, with neither mat nor blanket,
chained to the slave ring precisely as though she were a lowly slave girl. It is the Gorean way of reminding her, should
she need to be reminded, that she, too, is a woman, and thus to be dominated, to be subject to men. Should she be tempted
to forget this basic fact of Gorean life the slave ring set in the bottom of each Gorean couch is there to refresh her memory.
Gor is a mans world. And yet on this world I have seen great numbers of women who were both beautiful and splendid. The
Gorean woman, for reasons that are not altogether clear to me, considering the culture, rejoices in being a woman. She is
often an exciting, magnificent, glorious creature, outspoken, talkative, vital, active, spirited. On the whole I find her
more joyful than many of her earth-inhabiting sisters who, theoretically at least, enjoy a more lofty status, although it
is surely true that on my old world I have met several women with something of the Gorean zest for acknowledging the radiant
truth of their sex, the gifts of joy, grace and beauty, tenderness, and fathoms of love that we poor men, I suspect, may sometimes
and tragically fail to understand, to comprehend. Yet with all due respect and regard for the most astounding and marvelous
sex, I suspect that, perhaps partly because of my Gorean training, it is true that a touch of the slave ring is occasionally
beneficial. Of custom, a slave girl may not even ascend the couch to serve her master?s pleasure. The point of this restriction,
I suppose, is to draw a clearer distinction between her status and that of a Free Companion. At any rate the dignities of
the couch are, by custom, reserved for the Free Companion. Priest Kings of Gor, page 67 - 68