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informations gathered from these sites...http://kaminari.netfirms.com/id20.htm

We will discuss the two most Common ceremonies of Gor how they are performed and their importance, first We will discuss the bleeding of a Homestone.
To bleed a Homestone means that You as a Master have chosen to take up residence in a certain City such as Koroba. This is a Sacred event. And to do so must be after careful consideration of the City and its relevance to You. To choose a homestone means that You would be willing to lay Your life on the line in its defense if called upon to do so. it Means that You swear absolute Loyalty to this City and its Administrator
That You as a Member of this City will do exactly as the Leader of this City commands of You even to the point of falling on Your sword. This is not something to be taken lightly.
So many times Vie seen so called Goreans come upon a city and say OK this looks like a good place to prop My feet up, and swears allegiance to that city, only to get pissed off at someone and leave within a weeks time. What does this say for a persons honor? If You swear by Your blood to something it means that you believe strongly in that thing which you are swearing into.
and if you leave or break this vow at the drop of a hat, then this tells Me that you are not to be trusted for your word cannot be taken seriously.
So how does one choose a home stone? The process is long, but relatively simple. Take time, come to a city and stay as a guest for a time, watch the inhabitants of this city. Do they act rashly, or without thought? Does its leader have a level head upon His shoulders? Can He be trusted? What type of loyalty does He instill in the residents of this city? Look at the residents of the city. Are they Friendly? Do they offer help to those that are new to Gor? take into consideration their intelligence and kindness. Also, are you a role-player? Or a life styler? Does Your chosen way fall into the ways of this city? You will be awfully lonesome if You are a life styler in a role play environment or visa versa. If You adhere to strict Gorean law and customs, watch to see if others in this city follow Your beliefs. All these things should be considered in Your state of being a guest.
when the time has come, and You find that You are willing to accept this city as Your Home. You must approach the Administrator or the Ubar. if He is not present, then find a council Member. And formally announce Your desire to become part of this community.
Some Home stones will ask that You meet with several of the Council members to get to know them, and likewise for them to get to know you. If all goes well in a matter of days you will be asked to bleed the stone. The ceremony for pledging a home stone is done in this way. You will be called before the Council or the leader of the Community this is a joyous event, and You should be sure to invite friends who are Gorean to witness this. You will stand before the Home stone of the City.
Do NOT touch the stone. To do so is death.
the Home stone is sacred. slaves should NEVER under ANY circumstances touch the Home stone. This is an instant death penalty for a slave.
Before the stone, the leader of the Community will announce that You have asked for the privilege to become part of this community. And He will state what is expected of You as a Member of this City.
You will then repeat a pledge of loyalty to the Home stone and the City. Most times it is a statement that You will defend the City and its inhabitants and its Home stone with Your very life. He will ask if You agree to this. At this point You would say aye.
The Community Leader will offer You a ceremonial Dagger,. At this point, You must cut a slice across the palm of Your shield hand. Hold your hand over the stone,
and make a fist and squeeze out a few drops of blood onto the stone, this seals your pact with Your blood.
and finalizes Your blood oath. When finished hand the dagger back to the leader. Turn to the community and salute with the phrase. Ta Sardar Gor.
Ta Sardar Gor. which means "To the Priest Kings of Gor". at this point the festivities begin with much slapping of your back and greetings of "welcome home" the paga and the slaves flow freely afterwards and there is usually feasting and merriment the rest of the night.
The next most common ceremony of Gor is the Collaring Ceremony. This is when a Master takes a slave into His chain, or into His possession. Again it is a simple ceremony. It is usually done in front of a host of your friends and family. And it is a joyous occasion. The Master walks to the center of the Meeting area, and waits with a collar in hand. The slave is waiting at the side of the room with her sisters preparing her with comfort and soft spoken words of happiness.
The Master commences by speaking his desire to own the slave He has purchased. Or is about to purchase.
in a ceremony the price is usually already agreed upon and set.
He calls to the girls Father, or the girls owner. And has them come to the center of the room with Him. He asks to purchase the girl. To which the owner states His price. The money or payment is already set in a purse. On a dais or table before them, he offers this payment. When the owner takes the payment the girl is His. The previous owner calls the girl to His side, she kneels before Him with another slave sister. who holds her hair so that the previous owner may remove His collar from her neck. This is done and the Previous Master leaves the center of the room. This part of the ceremony is done only if the girl has been owned before, if she is a new slave that is to say never owned and freshly from training. Then the Trainer stands in stead of the owner.
At this point, the Master makes a statement as to why He has purchased this slave. Some speak of their affection for the girl others do not. It is up to the Master. He will then tell the slave at her side to lift her hair. When this is done, He will place his collar upon her neck, but will not lock it.
He will state to the girl. If it is your wish to call Me Master and obey Me in all things, and have faith unwavering in My abilities. If you desire Me to command you and to care for you, then you must show this willingness by closing the lock. Or some words to this extent. The slave will then reach up and close the lock about her neck, sealing the pact and closing her heart to any other commands but His. The girl at her side will replace her hair to her shoulders and leave the center of the room. The Master will then look at the girl before Him and ask, "what are you?"
she will reply "la kajira" He will then ask "who do you serve?"
she replies "only You my Master" finally He will ask " what is your name?" and she returns "whatever Master wishes it to be"
The Master names his possession then. With a name that is dear to His heart. And He states her name. "Your name is.............." the slave will then repeat her name. "Yes Master, she is known as ............." The Master then commands her to change her name, and place His name upon Her collar if it is done in the city that You reside. Once the name is changed the ceremony is over. Again this is a great and joyous celebration, feasting and Merriment abound. And the Master and slave usually leave soon after the ceremony so that He may seal this deal with proper usage.
A Final note, This is a ceremony that is used online, We do not condone the selling of human beings for any reason. This was an aspect of the fantasy world of Gor. In offline ceremonies, No money changes hands, period. It is asked who gives this girl, and her father or former Master will say "I do".

The Branding

The Master secures the slave in the branding rack (shaped rather like an X-shaped table, with either snap-bracelets (manacles) for her wrists and ankles at the ends of the X, or metal rings set into the wood so her wrists and ankles might be secured with binding fiber. A removable vise-like clamp fitted with spinning twist handles to adjust the tension can be attached to the left leg platform, to hold the slave's left thigh motionless during the actual branding). The Master holds up the heated branding iron, white hot, for the slave to see and says, "You will soon be branded, girl." When the brand is ready, he holds it above here left thigh and says, "You are now to be branded, slave girl." He then brands the slave, pressing it firmly into her skin for five full Ihn (seconds), then swiftly and cleanly removing it. He examines the mark closely, hoping that it was clean and deep enough to create an excellent brand. It is common Gorean practice to allow the slave the luxury of screaming, since it is in effect her final act as free person. Sometimes assistants are standing by with small vials of oil and salve, which they then dab onto the brand to reduce chance of infection and promote faster healing. The Master then frees the slave from the rack.

The Kolaring

Master: "Assume the posture of female submission."
kajira: kneels, leaning back on her heels, her arms extended, wrists crossed, her head between them, down.
Master: "Repeat after me. "I, once (her name) of (her home city or town, or of Earth)..."
kajira: repeats this.
Master "..herewith submit myself, completely and totally, in all things..." kajira: repeats this.
Master: "...to him who is known as (his name) of (his city)..."
kajira: repeats this.
Master: "...his girl, his slave, an article of his property, his to do with as he pleases."
kajira: repeats this.
Master: produces the collar. If it is engraved with his name or an inscription, he reads it to her, making sure that she understands what it says and means. He places it about her neck and snaps it shut with a click.
Master: "I am yours, Master."
kajira: "I am yours, Master."
At this point, any freepersons in attendance will typically congratulate the Master on his new slave. When this is done, the new Master will usually ask the slave the following three questions:
Master: "Who were you?"
kajira: tells him her former name.
Master: "What are you?"
kajira: "I am your slave, Master."
Master: "What is your name?"
kajira: "Whatever Master wishes."
The Master will then, if it pleases him, give the girl her new slave-name, which can be taken from her or changed at any time,according to his whim.
Master: "You are (new slave-name)."
kajira: "Yes, Master. I am (new slave-name)."
The ceremony is now over.

Holding Grass and Earth

In Gorean, the words for stranger and enemy are the same. Amongst the Wagon People , however, there is a ceremony of brotherhood by which a stranger can be given the status almost of one born to the Wagons. It is called "the holding of grass and earth." The bond thus made between two men can never be broken.

"Suddenly the Tuchuk bent to the soil and picked up a handful of dirt and grass, the land on which the bosk graze, the land which is the land of the Tuchuks, and this dirt and this grass he thrust in my hands and I held it. The warrior grinned and put his hands over mine so that our hands, together held the dirt and grass, and were together clasped upon it. 'Yes,' said the warrior, 'come in peace to the Land of the Wagon Peoples.' From Nomads of Gor, p.26

'And' and 'Anda' Ceremony

"One who has shed Your blood, or whose blood You have shed, becomes Your Sword Brother, unless You formally repudiate the blood on Your weapons. It is a part of the kinship of Gorean Warriors regardless of what city it is to which they owe their allegiance. It is a matter of caste, an expression of respect for those who share their station and profession, having nothing to do with cities or Homestones." Tarnsman of Gor

This is a simple ceremony and usually original by Those doing it. Usually sharing earth, sky, blood, etc and then Thier life to the other. Then ending it They will usually grip hands and say to the other My 'And' or My 'Anda'.

Blood Reading Ritual

After slaying an enemy or beast the victorious one will drink from the blood of the slain and look into the liquid that lies within His hands, as if reading it. It is said if the Person sees a vision of Himself cloaked in the darkness of black then, the Person will perish from disease. If He sees Himself colored crimson and torn then, the Person shall die during battle. If the vision bears the Person's figure as aged then, He will live long and pass on in peace from old age, leaving behind children.

Disownment Ceremony

This is used to banish someone from a family or caste. A parent, being of the Caste of Warriors, will place His hand on the hilt of His sword. The opposite hand is set upon the Homestone or the symbol of the city. Then the parent will speak to declare the person in question to be disowned and no longer a member of the family or caste. The one that is disowned is left without caste or family at this point.

Friendship Ceremony

To perform this, two Men will clasp hands and shake. After greeting each other as "Friend" They will taste the salt from backs of each others hands.

"'Friend', he had said. 'Friend,' I had said. We had then tasted salt, each from the back of the wrist of the other."
Marauders of Gor, p. 70

Funeral Ceremony

The common ceremony of a Warrior is one where a pyre is built by his friends and caste members of ka-la-na wood, which are trimmed and squared. The pyre takes the form of a structured, tiered, truncated pyramid. Free women then carry jars of perfumed oils and sprinkle it on the pyre. The body of the Warrior is borne on the shoulders of 4 Warriors, on crossed spears, lashed together. The body is wrapped in scarlet leather. The funeral procession follows, they do not chant, or sing, or carry the boughs of ka-la-na nor play a musical instrument. At such times Goreans do not sing or speak, they are silent, for at such times words mean nothing, and would demean or insult. For Goreans there is only silence, memory and fire. A family member or one who was close to the person lights the pyre. Descriptions are found in both Dancer of Gor (p. 426) and Assassin of Gor (p. 2).
Swearing of Oaths(Coming of Age)

"When coming of age young Men and Women participate in a ceremony which involves the swearing of oaths, sharing of bread, fire and salt. The Homestone is held of each young Person and is kissed. Only then are the laurel wreaths and the mantle of Citizenship conferred. They must also pass certain examinations. In most cities the young must be vouched for by the Citizens of the city which are not blood related to Them and be questioned before a committee of Citizens. The intent is to determine worthiness or lack o,f to take the HoneStone of the city as their Own."
Slave Girl of Gor, p. 394

Bazi Tea Ceremony
  • First Step: Go to the hearth and check to make sure there is enough water then go to the servery, and place a copper teapot, three tiny cups, bowls of yellow and white sugars with spoons and the speciality tin of Bazi Tea leaves upon a silver tray.

  • Second Step: Return to the hearth, fill the teapot with the boiling water. allowing the water to fulling warm the pot then swirl the water around and pour it out, then refill the teapot again with boiling water.

  • Third Step: Carry the tray to the Master/Mistress being served, kneel before Them to prepare the tea placing the traying to your side.

  • Fourth Step: Place three pinches of Bazi Tea leaves into each cup, pour hot water into each and swirl it around. Then in the first cup, add four spoons of the white sugar, stirring it... then six spoons of yellow sugar in the second cup, stirring it... and the same of each sugar to the third cup and stir it. (the sugar may be added to each cup all at once..or inbetween the offering and drinking of one cup to the next)

  • Fifth Step: Kiss the side of each cup, lifting each cup, bowed head arms extending in offering, telling what each cup represents... The first cup signifies the bitter first fruits of life... The second cup signifies the contentment of adulthood... The third signifies the enlightenment that comes with experience and old age... wait for the Master/Mistress to drink each before moving on to the next

Serving Bazi Tea by the Books

"She carried a tray, on which were various spoons and sugars. She knelt, placing her tray upon the table. With a tiny spoon, its tip no more than a tenth of a hort in diameter, she placed four measures of white sugar, and six of yellow, in the cup; with two stirring spoons, one for the white sugar, another for the yellow, she stirred the beverage after each measure." Tribesmen of Gor - page 89

"'Make me tea,' I said. Lifting her skirt the girl went to the tent, to make tea. . . 'I feared, when first I saw you,' said the girl, measuring the tea, from a tiny tin box, 'that you had come to carry me off. . . ' 'Perhaps not,' I said. Her hands shook, slightly, on the metal box of tea. . . 'You, yourself,' she said, 'have made me make your tea.' 'Is it ready?', I asked. I looked at the tiny copper kettle on the small stand. . . A small, heavy, curved glass was nearby, on a flat box, which would hold some two ounces of the tea. Bazi tea is drunk in tiny glasses, usually three at a time, carefully measured. . . I set the tea down on the sand, between two mats, beside me. I did not think it would spill. . . 'Serve us tea,' he said. Trembling she measured him a tiny glass of tea. 'The tea is excellent,' I said." Tribesman of Gor - page 139

"Tea is extremely important to the nomads. It is served hot and heavily sugared. It gives them strength then, in virtue of the sugar, and cools them, by making them sweat as well as stimulating them. It is drunk three small cups at a time, carefully measured." Tribesman of Gor -- page 38

"There was a cup and a pitcher of Bazi tea on the counter. Bazi tea is a common beverage on Gor. Many Goreans are fond of it." Kajira of Gor -- page 332
Bazi Tea is mentioned in the books, the ceremony however is mainly an onlinism